Artificial Laurel Hedge Screens / Walls.
Whether you are decorating your home, fence, balcony or wall, instant laurel hedge screenings and artificial vertical gardens are the perfect solution. They are also perfect for offices, or shops to add some greenery indoors. These beautiful evergreen hedge panels are perfect for indoors or out, and super easy to install. They can be joined together using the hole and lug system around the outside of each panel to make any size you want. Alternatively, they can be cut along the grid and the back to make them as small as you desire. Key Benefits:
- Super easy to install (the perfect DIY Product).
- Excellent Quality.
- Stays green all year-round.
- UV Engineered: Guaranteed to last outdoors.
- Lifelike appearance.
- Instant Results.
- Highly durable and reusable in different areas.
Perfect for fences, walls, patios, balconies.Make your Laurel Hedge Walls as large as you’d like – they are easy, and quick to join together, and provide instant results.
Package Content
1 x Laurel Leaf Screens / Panels UV Stabilised 1m X 1m